Bachelor of Science in Legal Management (BSLM) is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of business, management, law and society. The curriculum is focused on law integrated with essential aspects of business management and explore the myriad ways in which law is connected with other management disciplines pertinent to understanding of contemporary business and society.

The purpose of the program is to develop the study of law within the framework of business management. Its ultimate goal is to develop students to develop managers and leaders of the twenty-first century, equipped with the knowledge of law, business and society from a perspective of corporate leadership and Good governance with due regard to the rights and welfare of all stakeholders. Program courses are designed to provide students with adequate knowledge of laws and business management principles, empowering them to create ethical and legally sound business solutions or strategies in the service of the local and the global community.

Thus, graduates of the BS Legal Management program are now employed to legal, Business and related Industries. Since the program is an excellent preparatory course for a four-year law proper studies (Bachelor of Laws(LlB)/Juris Doctor (JD)), or a pathway to graduate studies in business and management such as MBA and allied disciplines, some of the graduates are pursuing their studies in Law and Business.